Generation of hard x rays by femtosecond laser pulse interaction with solid targets in atmosphere

Alexey G. Zhidkov, Sergey A. Pikuz*, Anatoly Ya Faenov, Oleg V. Chefonov, Andrey V. Ovchinnikov, Mikhail B. Agranat, Arie Zigler

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3 Scopus citations


X ray radiation as high as 50 keV, including Kα of Ba and Mo, have been observed from a solid target during the interaction of low energy ∼0.65 mJ, 1 kHz 40 femtosecond laser pulses focused in air at atmospheric pressure. Energetic electrons generating such x rays are possibly produced when the field strength in laser pulse wake exceeds the runaway threshold in air. Two dimensional particle-in-cell simulations that include optical field ionization of air and elastic collisions support this mechanism.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)884-886
Number of pages3
JournalOptics Letters
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2012


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