Generation of lipid neutrophil chemoattractant by irradiated bovine aortic endothelial cells

Y. Matzner, M. Cohn, E. Hyam, E. Razin, Z. Fuks, M. R. Buchanan, T. A. Haas, I. Vlodavsky, A. Eldor

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23 Scopus citations


Radiation injury to blood vessels is associated with an acute inflammatory process. We investigated the capacity of cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) to produce chemotactic factors after radiation injury. BAEC in serum-free media were irradiated with a cobalt-60 Gammacell 220 and the cell supernatants were assayed for chemotactic activity for human neutrophils in a Boyden chamber. There was a rapid release of chemotactic activity into the BAEC supernatants which was dependent both on the dose of radiation (5 to 40 Gy) and the time between irradiation and sample collection. In contrast, isolation of BAEC lysates by freeze-thawing was not associated with the presence of similar chemotactic activity. The chemotactic activity released from the irradiated BAEC was not destroyed by boiling nor by treatment with trypsin. The release of the chemotactic activity was, however, inhibited by the addition of a lipoxygenase inhibitor but not by the addition of a cyclooxygenase inhibitor before the irradiation. The chemotactic activity was recovered from the cell supernatants in the lipid phase after extraction with chloroform/methanol. Furthermore, the chloroform/methanol extracts co-eluted with authentic leukotriene B4 when the BAEC were prelabeled with [14C] arachidonic acid. However, we were unable to detect endogenous leukotriene B4 with RIA. Instead, the only detectable endogenous lipid present in the supernatants was 13-hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid which is derived from linoleic acid via the lipoxygenase pathway. 13-Hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid, however, had no chemotactic activity. These findings suggest that endothelial cells rapidly release a chemotactic agent after irradiation, the release of which is associated with a lipoxygenase pathway. The release of this chemotactic activity may account in part for the acute inflammatory response that is observed after ionizing irradiation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2681-2685
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Immunology
Issue number8
StatePublished - 1988
Externally publishedYes


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