Genetic mapping of an ancient translocation in the genus Lens

Y. Tadmor*, D. Zamir, G. Ladizinsky

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82 Scopus citations


Segregation of 18 marker genes was monitored in selfed progeny of a Lens culinaris × L. ervoides hybrid; five linkage groups were mapped, one of which contained a reciprocal translocation break-point that differentiates between the parents. Four markers were found to be linked to the translocation break-point: Aco-1 and Pgm-2 on one side and Gs and Got-2 on the other. The gene pairs on both sides of the translocation are not linked in L. culinaris or in L. orientalis. The L. ervoides gene order was also found in L. odemensis but with significantly reduced map distances. Analysis of monogenic segregations in a number of Lens inter-specific crosses revealed some consistent patterns of deviations from the expected Mendelian ratios. The factors responsible for these unequal segregations, genotypic effects on recombination frequencies, negative interference, and the possible ancient origin of the translocation are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)883-892
Number of pages10
JournalTheoretical And Applied Genetics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Apr 1987


  • Evolution
  • Isozymes
  • Lens
  • Linkage
  • Translocation break-point


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