Genetic structure of populations of the closely related species of Melanopsis (Gastropoda: Cerithiacea) in Israel

Andrzej Falniowski, J. Heller, K. Mazan-Mamczarz, M. Szarowska

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8 Scopus citations


Population genetic structure in the species of Melanopsis were studied by means of cellulose acetate gel allozyme electrophoresis, on 26 Melanopsis populations from Israel: six of Melanopsis buccinoidea Olivier, 1801, eight of Melanopsis saulcyi Bourguignat, 1853, one of Melanopsis meiostoma Heller et Sivan, 2000, 11 of Melanopsis costata Olivier, 1804, represented by two subspecies: M. costata costata Olivier, 1804 and M. costata jordanica Roth, 1839. 14 loci (nine polymorphic) were scorable: Aat, Alp, Est-1, Est-2, Gpi, Hbdh, Idh-1, Idh-2, Iddh, Mdh, Mdhp, Mpi, Pgdh, Pgm. Gametic disequilibrium was postulated. D-statistics was computed, indicating limited migration, not epistatic selection as the source of disequilibrium. Exact multilocus and multipopulation tests showed a statistically significant heterozygote deficit in 18 populations and seven polymorphic loci. Inbreeding, Wahlund's effect and codominant mode of selection were postulated as causing homozygote excess. Mantel test indicated a statistically significant association between the pairwise θ and geographic distance, and no association between Nm and the geographic distance. The mean gene flow estimates Nm, derived from either θ or private alleles technique, were consistent. Hierarchical F-statistics showed slight differences between the taxa. The process of speciation within the genus seems not yet completed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)92-104
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2002
Externally publishedYes


  • Allozymes
  • Gastropods
  • Gene flow
  • Hardy
  • Population
  • Weinberg equilibrium


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