Gradient catastrophe and fermi-edge resonances in fermi gas

E. Bettelheim*, Y. Kaplan, P. Wiegmann

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6 Scopus citations


Any smooth spatial disturbance of a degenerate Fermi gas inevitably becomes sharp. This phenomenon, called the gradient catastrophe, causes the breakdown of a Fermi sea to multiconnected components characterized by multiple Fermi points. We argue that the gradient catastrophe can be probed through a Fermi-edge singularity measurement. In the regime of the gradient catastrophe the Fermi-edge singularity problem becomes a nonequilibrium and nonstationary phenomenon. We show that the gradient catastrophe transforms the single-peaked Fermi-edge singularity of the tunneling (or absorption) spectrum to a sequence of multiple asymmetric singular resonances. An extension of the bosonic representation of the electronic operator to nonequilibrium states captures the singular behavior of the resonances.

Original languageEnglish
Article number166804
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number16
StatePublished - 20 Apr 2011


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