GRB 131014A: A laboratory for studying the thermal-like and non-thermal emissions in gamma-ray bursts, and the new LnTh-Epeak,inTh,rest relation

S. Guiriec, R. Mochkovitch, T. Piran, F. Daigne, C. Kouveliotou, J. Racusin, N. Gehrels, J. McEnery

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41 Scopus citations


Over the past few years, evidence has been accumulated in support of the existence of a thermal-like component during the prompt phase of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). However, this component, which is often associated with the GRB jet's photosphere, is usually subdominant compared to a much stronger non-thermal one. The prompt emission of GRB 131014A - detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (hereafter Fermi) - provides a unique opportunity to trace the history of this thermal-like component. Indeed, the thermal emission in GRB 131014A is much more intense than in other GRBs and a pure thermal episode is observed during the initial 0.16 s. The thermal-like component cools monotonically during the first second while the non-thermal emission kicks off. The intensity of the non-thermal component progressively increases until being energetically dominant at late time, similar to what is typically observed. This is a perfect scenario to disentangle the thermal component from the non-thermal component. The initial decaying and cooling phase of the thermal-like component is followed by a strong re-brightening and a re-heating episode; however, despite a much brighter second emission phase, the temperature of the thermal component does not reach its initial value. This re-brightening episode is followed by a global constant cooling until the end of the burst. We note that there is a shallower low-energy spectral slope than the typical index value +1, corresponding to a pure Planck function, which better matches with the thermal-like spectral shape; a spectral index around +0.6 seems to be in better agreement with the data. The non-thermal component is adequately fitted with a Band function whose low- and high-energy power-law indices are ∼-0.7 and <∼-3, respectively; this is also statistically globally equivalent to a cutoff power law with a ∼-0.7 index. This is in agreement with our previous results. Finally, a strong correlation is observed between the time-resolved energy flux, FinTh, and the corresponding spectral peak energy, Epeak,inTh, of the non-thermal component with a slope similar to the one reported in our previous articles. Assuming a universal relation between the time-resolved luminosity of the non-thermal component, LinTh, and its rest frame Epeak,inTh, Epeak,irest,nTh, which we derived from a limited sample of GRBs detected by Fermi, we estimate a redshift of ∼1.55 for GRB 131014A, which is a typical value for long GRBs. These observational results are consistent with the models in which the non-thermal emission is produced well above the GRB jet photosphere but they may also be compatible with other scenarios (e.g., dissipative photosphere) that are not discussed in this article.

Original languageEnglish
Article number10
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number1
StatePublished - 20 Nov 2015

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2015. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.


  • acceleration of particles
  • black hole physics
  • distance scale
  • gamma-ray burst: general
  • radiation mechanisms: non-thermal
  • radiation mechanisms: thermal


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