HALF-LIFE OF **6**0Fe.

Walter Kutschera*, Peter J. Billquist, Dieter Frekers, Walter Henning, Kenneth J. Jensen, Xiuzeng Ma, Richard Pardo, Michael Paul, Karl E. Rehm, Robert K. Smither, Jan L. Yntema, Leonard F. Mausner

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


The half-life of **6**0Fe has been measured to be T// one-half equals (1. 49 plus or minus 0. 27) multiplied by 10**6 a, significantly longer than the one previous measurement of Roy and Kohman which reported a value of 3 multiplied by 10**5 a, uncertain by a factor of 3. The present value was obtained from measurements of specific activity and radioisotope concentration in a material produced by spallation of copper with 192 Mev protons. **6**0Fe/Fe ratios in the range of 10** minus **8 were measured with the Argonne FN tandem-superconducting linear accelerator system in conjunction with an Enge split-pole spectrograph. The specific activity of **6**0Fe in Fe was measured through the grow-in of the 1. 332 Mev gamma-ray line of the **6**0Co daughter activity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)B5/2
JournalNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
StatePublished - Nov 1984
Externally publishedYes
EventAccel Mass Spectrom, Proc of the 3rd Int Symp -
Duration: 10 Apr 198413 Apr 1984


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