Hemagglutination of Chicken Erythrocytes by the Agent of Psittacosis

A. L. Barron*, Z. Zakay-Roness, H. Bernkopf

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Psittacosis agent was found to hemagglutinate chicken erythrocytes susceptible to agglutination by vaccinia virus. Negative results were obtained with vaccinia negative cells. The agglutination of chicken cells by psittacosis was similar to mouse cells with reference to conditions for hemagglutination, sensitivity to inhibitors and the hemagglutination inhibition test. Differences between vaccinia and psittacosis hemagglutinins were found. No cross serologic relationship was found between psittacosis and vaccinia in the hemagglutination inhibition test. Positive hemagglutination inhibition tests were obtained with anti-trachoma sera using psittacosis hemagglutinin and either chicken or mouse cells.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)377-381
Number of pages5
JournalExperimental Biology and Medicine
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jun 1965


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