Hi-tech trends in future dentistry--part A: computerized technologies

O. Feuerstein*, Y. Houri-Haddad, M. Lipovetsky, M. Perez-Davidi, E. I. Weiss

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    Growing knowledge and information in the field of dentistry has had a great impact on dental education, management and practice. A prominent change is the digital revolution, which presents new computed technologies and accessible means of communication for sharing written and visual information. Biotechnology, yet another innovated field, will change dentistry even further. This article presents dental innovations forwarded by Israeli Hi-Tech companies. An overview of some advances in technology in the field of dentistry is presented. Part of the described technologies is in R&D phase, part is under preliminary clinical evaluation, and a few have undergone short-term clinical studies. Part A of the article discusses the application of computerized imaging systems to educational purposes, diagnostics and treatment; part B presents other diagnostic and therapeutic technologies.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)71-78, 95
    JournalRefuat Hapeh Vehashinayim
    Issue number3
    StatePublished - Jul 2006


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