Host-parasite coevolution promotes innovation through deformations in fitness landscapes

Animesh Gupta, Luis Zaman, Hannah M. Strobel, Jenna Gallie, Alita R. Burmeister, Benjamin Kerr, Einat S. Tamar, Roy Kishony*, Justin R. Meyer

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


During the struggle for survival, populations occasionally evolve new functions that give them access to untapped ecological opportunities. Theory suggests that coevolution between species can promote the evolution of such innovations by deforming fitness landscapes in ways that open new adaptive pathways. We directly tested this idea by using high-throughput gene editing-phenotyping technology (MAGE-Seq) to measure the fitness landscape of a virus, bacteriophage λ, as it coevolved with its host, the bacterium Escherichia coli. An analysis of the empirical fitness landscape revealed mutation-by-mutation-by-host-genotype interactions that demonstrate coevolution modified the contours of λ’s landscape. Computer simulations of λ’s evolution on a static versus shifting fitness landscape showed that the changes in contours increased λ’s chances of evolving the ability to use a new host receptor. By coupling sequencing and pairwise competition experiments, we demonstrated that the first mutation λ evolved en route to the innovation would only evolve in the presence of the ancestral host, whereas later steps in λ’s evolution required the shift to a resistant host. When time-shift replays of the coevo-lution experiment were run where host evolution was artificially accelerated, λ did not innovate to use the new receptor. This study provides direct evidence for the role of coevolution in driving evolutionary novelty and provides a quantitative framework for predicting evolution in coevolving ecological communities.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere76162
StatePublished - Jul 2022
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
‍© Gupta et al.


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