How institutional logics matter: A bottom-up exploration

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

55 Scopus citations


Joining recent calls to focus our attention on how institutional logics work on the ground, I offer a critique of current studies of institutional logics that often offer a macro and reified depictions thereof. I suggest that to fully appreciate how institutions matter, we need to complement these studies with a research program that is based on a constructivist ontology, ethnographic methods of inquiry, and use of theories of action. I exemplify this emerging research agenda, and discuss its broader analytical and empirical implications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)137-155
Number of pages19
JournalResearch in the Sociology of Organizations
StatePublished - 2016

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
Copyright © 2017 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.


  • Constructivist ontology
  • Institutional logics
  • Qualitative methods
  • Theories of action


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