Hungary's export prospects in the EC market

Alfred Tovias*, Sam Laird

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Political changes in Eastern Europe will help to cement improving economic relations between those countries and the EC, accelerating a trend that flows in part from the continuing economic difficulties in Eastern Europe. Hungary has little alternative but to seek to continue strengthening these ties. Membership in the EC could lead to an expansion of Hungarian exports to the Communities of some 48 percent, with the main gains occurring for meats, iron and steel, fruit and vegetables, textiles, and clothing. Even if membership is unattainable, Hungary stands to gain considerably from an improvement in its standing in the EC pyramid of privileges, and must seek some closer relationship with the EC, encompassing agriculture as well as manufactures, and tariffs and non-tariff barriers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)181-202
Number of pages22
JournalOpen Economies Review
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jun 1992


  • European Communities
  • Hungary
  • trade liberalization
  • trade policies


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