Hydroxychloroquine for subglottic stenosis: A novel therapy in the battle for air

Nir Hirshoren*, Ron Eliashar, Jeffrey M. Weinberger

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Upper airway obstruction due to subglottic edema and granulation tissue proliferation may cause severe morbidity and may be life threatening. Hydroxychloroquine interferes with antigen processing by means of raising lysosomal pH and immune response modulation. Herein, we present the outcome of a steroid-sparing treatment using hydroxychloroquine in an 80-year-old man with acquired subglottic stenosis and steroid dependency. Twice daily oral hydroxychloroquine at 2 mg/kg/day allowed cessation of systemic steroids without recurrence of the stenosis. Successful weaning of the hydroxychloroquine took place over a 5-month period.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)743-744
Number of pages2
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2010

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We thank Dr. N. J. Cowan for the kind gift of samples of TCP-1 chaperonin and the I3-actin:chaperonin complex. We thank Dr. J. M. Carazo and R. Marabini for allowing us the use of their unpublished classification methods and their careful reading of the manuscript. This work was partly supported by Grant PB91-0109 from the Direcci6n General de Investigaci6n Cientifica y T6cnica. S.M. is a recipient of a fellowship from the Comunidad Aut6noma de Madrid.


  • Airway stenosis
  • Hydroxychloroquine
  • Subglottic stenosis
  • Wound healing


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