Hypoblastic cells can form a disk inducing an embryonic axis in chick epiblast

E. Mitrani*, H. Eyal-Giladi

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

37 Scopus citations


The primitive streak of the chick embryo develops from one of the two layers of cells of the stage XIII blastoderm1, the epiblast. The other layer of cells, the hypoblast, seems to be necessary for the induction of the primitive streak and also determines its orientation2 - rotation of the hypoblast by 90°is followed by a similar rotation of the embryonic axis3. After stage XIII, the hypoblast is replaced by the invaginating endoderm and plays no further part in the development of the embryo4. By means of a technique for disaggregation and reconstituting cells of stage XIII hypoblasts, we have been able to show that the two functions, induction and orientation are independent and that, with reconstituted hypoblasts, the orientation of the primitive streak is determined by the epiblast.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)800-802
Number of pages3
Issue number5800
StatePublished - 1981


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