Identification of the acidic compartment of Plasmodium falciparum-infected human erythrocytes as the target of the antimalarial drug chloroquine.

A. Yayon*, Z. I. Cabantchik, H. Ginsburg

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282 Scopus citations


Chloroquine (CQ), the most widely used antimalarial drug, is an acidotropic agent (De Duve, 1983) which accumulates to high levels in malaria-infected erythrocytes. A possible site of accumulation of the drug, the parasite's food vacuole, has been implicated in the mode of action of CQ. We have defined the various compartments of Plasmodium falciparum-parasitized human erythrocytes in terms of their pH and capacity to accumulate bases. The host cell and the parasite cytosols were differentially labeled in situ with pH-sensitive fluorescein, and the parasite food vacuole was revealed by targeting fluoresceinated dextran via endocytosis. The pH of the various compartments obtained from fluorescence excitation spectra were 6.9 for the cytosol of normal and infected erythrocytes and 5.2 for the parasite food vacuole. Determination of CQ and methylamine accumulation in infected erythrocytes, in conjunction with morphometric determination of the relative sizes of the various cellular compartments, provided an independent assessment of the vacuolar pH, yielding a value of 5.0-5.2. Perturbation of the proton gradient, either by lowering extracellular pH or by alkalinization of the food vacuole with NH4Cl or monensin, resulted in a concomitant and reversible decrease in accumulation of the probe. We conclude that drug accumulation in malaria-infected erythrocytes can be fully accounted for by the steady-state proton gradients across the barriers delineating the various cellular compartments and the acidotropic properties of the drug.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2695-2700
Number of pages6
JournalEMBO Journal
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 1984


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