Improved measurement of the Ti44 half-life from a 14-year long study

I. Ahmad*, J. P. Greene, E. F. Moore, S. Ghelberg, A. Ofan, M. Paul, W. Kutschera

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63 Scopus citations


The half-life of Ti44 was determined by following the decay of Ti44 and Co60 for 14 yr. Mixed sources containing Ti44 and Co60 and pure sources of Ti44 and Co60 were prepared and their γ-ray spectra were measured with a Ge spectrometer once or twice a year. Counts in the 1157.0-keV γ-ray photopeak of Ti44 and the 1173.2- and 1332.5-keV γ-ray photopeaks of Co60 were used for this measurement. From the decay of the Ti44 and Co60 activity ratios, the half-life of Ti44 was determined. Using a value of 5.2711±0.0004 yr for Co60 half-life, we determined the half-life of Ti44 as 58.9±0.3 yr. Special efforts were made to check for systematic errors and these were found to be negligible within the quoted uncertainty.

Original languageEnglish
Article number065803
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2006


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