title = "Iron-cross-section validation by analysis of the leakage spectrum of 252Cf fission neutrons from iron spheres",
abstract = "We have analyzed the 237Np/238U fission-rate ratio outside an iron sphere in which a 252Cf source is placed at the center, measured at NIST, and the leakage spectrum from a similar assembly, measured at NRI (near Prague). The experimental results were compared with the corresponding calculations, respectively based on the ENDF/B-IV, -V and -VI libraries. We found indeed that the newer the library, the better the agreement between experiment and calculation. Yet, even for ENDF/B-VI, the calculated values still differ from the experimental ones by more than the reported standard deviations of the latter.",
keywords = "neutron spectra, nuclei with mass number 220 or higher, spontaneous fission",
author = "R.L. Perel and J.J. Wagschal and Y. Yeivin",
note = "<sup>252</sup>Cf;fission neutrons;<sup>237</sup>Np/<sup>238</sup>U fission-rate ratio;Fe spheres;ENDF/B-IV;ENDF/B-V;ENDF/B-VI;",
year = "1998",
language = "אנגלית",
isbn = "9788877941145",
volume = "vol.2",
series = "Italian Physical Society conference proceedings",
publisher = " Italian Physical Society",
pages = "1119 -- 21",
editor = "Reffo, {G. } and Ventura, {A. } and Grandi, {C. }",
booktitle = "Conference Proceedings : International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Trieste, 19-24 May 1997",