Isovector correlations and pion single charge exchange reactions in light nuclei

J. Warszawski*, A. Gal, J. M. Eisenberg

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20 Scopus citations


The reactions 7Li(π+, π0)7Be(g.s.), 7Li(π+, π0)7Be*(429keV) and 13C(π+, π0)13N(g.s.) are treated in DWIA, including corrections arising from two-step processes in which an intermediate state is reached in the course of the charge exchange. The distortions are introduced by means of a first-order optical potential; no special assumptions of extreme high energy limits are made. The closure sum over intermediate states in the two-step charge exchange mechanism leads to an isovector two-particle correlation function whose properties for p-shell nuclei are discussed in detail. Consequences of the introduction of effective transition operators for the single-step mechanism, with and without spin-flip, and for the two-step contribution are discussed, as are the allowable modifications in nuclear shell radii consistent with present knowledge of Coulomb energies. Comparison is made with experiment - in the case of the separated 7Be states, for the first time - and with other theoretical approaches.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)321-347
Number of pages27
JournalNuclear Physics A
Issue number3
StatePublished - 16 Jan 1978


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