Jahn-Teller stress effects on the magnetization and ESR properties of LaSb: Dy single crystals

J. M. Bloch*, D. Davidov

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6 Scopus citations


We demonstrate that the ion-lattice interaction plays a significant role in the magnetization and ESR properties of LaSb: Dy single crystals. We provide a free-energy calculation to demonstrate that the applied magnetic field distorts locally the crystal around the Dy ion leading to a deviation of the Dy magnetic moment with respect to that expected from "pure" crystal-field effects. The fitting of the experimental magnetization data, measured along the [001] direction, to the theory based on our free-energy calculation, enables us to extract the coupling constant between the 3 strain modes and the Dy ion to be |V(3)|=24 K. Analysis of the angular dependence of the ESR line shape strongly supports the hypothesis that only 3 strains play a role in the ESR experiment. The combined ESR and magnetization data yield the width of the 3 strain distribution to be 3=1.25×10-3. Using the value V(3)=24 K, our free-energy calculation clearly shows softening of the elastic constants of force at low temperatures. This can provide a mechanism for the large strain effects in our ESR. It indicates "single-ion" Jahn-Teller effects in LaSb: Dy at low temperatures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3631-3638
Number of pages8
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1982


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