Job scheduling strategies for parallel processing: IPDPS 2000 workshop, JSSPP 2000, Cancun, Mexico, May 1, 2000 : proceedings

Dror G Feitelson (Editor), Larry Rudolph (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBerlin
Number of pages207
ISBN (Electronic)3540399976, 3540411208
ISBN (Print)3540411208, 3540428178, 9783540411208, 9783540428176
StatePublished - 2000
Event6th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, JSSPP 2000 held in conjunction with the IPDPS 2000 Conference - Cancun, Mexico
Duration: 1 May 20001 May 2000

Publication series

NameLecture notes in computer science

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