Large localizations of finite simple groups

Rüdiger Göbel*, José L. Rodríguez, Saharon Shelah

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9 Scopus citations


A group homomorphism η: H → G is called a localization of H if every homomorphism φ: H Φ G can be 'Extended uniquely' to a homomorphism Φ: G → G in the sense that Φη = φ. Libman showed that a localization of a finite group need not be finite. This is exemplified by a well-known representation An → SOn-1 (ℝ) of the alternating group An, which turns out to be a localization for n even and n ≥ 10. Emmanuel Farjoun asked if there is any upper bound in cardinality for localizations of An. In this paper we answer this question and prove, under the generalized continuum hypothesis, that every non abelian finite simple group H, has arbitrarily large localizations. This shows that there is a proper class of distinct homotopy types which are localizations of a given Eilenberg-Mac Lane space K(H, 1) for any non abelian finite simple group H.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-24
Number of pages24
JournalJournal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
Issue number550
StatePublished - 2002


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