Lessons from Camp Ramah for the reformulation of the role of the synagogue as the central institution in Jewish community life: Jewish education as participation in Jewish community life

Claudio Jodorkovsky, Zvi Bekerman

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Explores ways in which the total emersion in Judaism experienced by campers at Camp Ramah could be extended to Conservative Synagogues, particularly through formation of havurot.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationJerusalem
PublisherHebrew University of Jerusalem, Melton Centre for Jewish Education, Senior Educators Program
Number of pages29
StatePublished - 2003

Bibliographical note

Ha-Merkaz le-ḥinukh Yehudi ba-tefutsot ʻal shem Yehoshuʻa Mendel Melṭon, Senior Educators Program
The library also has a copy of the report in Spanish.


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