Liberalizing foreign trade. Seven volumes

D. Papageorgiou, M. Michaely, A. M. Choski

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Provides empirical data for 19 countries, collected in a World Bank study over the last 5 yr. It surveys and analyses the experiences in a broad spectrum of countries (over the last 45 yr) to uncover some of the principles underlying how they have built up their trade policy. Six of the volumes examine individual countries (Argentina, Chile and Uruguay; Korea, the Philippines and Singapore; Israel and Yugoslavia; Brazil, Colombia and Peru; Indonesia, Pakistan and Sri Lanka; and New Zealand, Spain and Turkey) while the seventh synthesizes the results to give an overview of the history of trade liberalization. Data provided for each country includes balance of payments figures; population, labour and growth rates; exchange rates and foreign trade prices; price indices and terms of trade; exports by product group; industrial employment; manufacturing activity; and export subsidies and incentives. The volumes are also available separately. -M.Amos

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLiberalizing foreign trade. Seven volumes
PublisherBasil Blackwell, for World Bank
ISBN (Print)0631175954, 9780631175957
StatePublished - 1990


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