Life cycle strategies in free-living unicellular eukaryotes: Diversity, evolution, and current molecular tools to unravel the private life of microorganisms

Iris Rizos*, Miguel J. Frada, Lucie Bittner, Fabrice Not

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1 Scopus citations


An astonishing range of morphologies and life strategies has arisen across the vast diversity of protists, allowing them to thrive in most environments. In model protists, like Tetrahymena, Dictyostelium, or Trypanosoma, life cycles involving multiple life stages with different morphologies have been well characterized. In contrast, knowledge of the life cycles of free-living protists, which primarily consist of uncultivated environmental lineages, remains largely fragmentary. Various life stages and lineage-specific cellular innovations have been observed in the field for uncultivated protists, but such innovations generally lack functional characterization and have unknown physiological and ecological roles. In the actual state of knowledge, evidence of sexual processes is confirmed for 20% of free-living protist lineages. Nevertheless, at the onset of eukaryotic diversification, common molecular trends emerged to promote genetic recombination, establishing sex as an inherent feature of protists. Here, we review protist life cycles from the viewpoint of life cycle transitions and genetics across major eukaryotic lineages. We focus on the scarcely observed sexual cycle of free-living protists, summarizing evidence for its existence and describing key genes governing its progression, as well as, current methods for studying the genetics of sexual cycles in both cultivable and uncultivated protist groups.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere13052
JournalJournal of Eukaryotic Microbiology
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Author(s). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Society of Protistologists.


  • cysts
  • free-living protists
  • gametes
  • life cycle markers
  • meiosis genetic toolkit
  • sexual cycle evolution
  • syngamy genetic toolkit


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