Lymphocytes stimulated by allogeneic B cell lines cleave the third component of complement and fix C3 fragments. Their nonspecific lytic capacity is elevated against complement receptor type 2-carrying targets

O. F. Ramos, I. Algarra, G. Sarmay, E. Yefenof, J. Gergely, E. Klein

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10 Scopus citations


Human blood lymphocytes stimulated in mixed cultures by allogeneic B cell lines were shown to cleave C3 molecules. The B cell lines were derived from Burkitt lymphoma patients: 1) established from their EBV-negative lymphoma, 2) the EBV-positive sublines converted in vitro, and 3) lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) i.e., B lymphocytes transformed in vitro by EBV. These cell lines differed considerably in their capacity to stimulate allogeneic lymphocytes. The split products of C3 were detected in the supernatants and on the surface of the activated lymphocytes at levels which correlated with the strength of stimulation. Lymphocytes cultured with LCL had the highest levels of thymidine incorporation, blast transformation, C3 cleavage, and C3 fragment fixation. Lymphocytes exposed to the EBV-negative Burkitt lymphomas were stimulated weakly and their C3-activating capacity was low. Irrespective of the efficiency of lymphocyte stimulation induced in the cultures, 60 to 70% of the blasts were found to fix C3 fragments. The majority of the lymphocytes which fixed C3 fragments were T blasts that carried the CD3 marker and expressed IL-2R (CD25). CD4 and CD8 cells were represented with equal frequency in the C3-fragment fixing and C3-fragment negative populations. Pre-exposure of the MLC-activated lymphocytes to human serum increased their cytotoxic capacity toward CR type 2-carrying tagets. The enhanced lysis was abrogated by F(ab)2 rabbit anti-human C3d or rabbit anti-CR type 2 antibodies. The results suggest that the C3 fragments fixed on the lymphocytes bind to CR on the targets and elevated the avidity of binding between the two interacting cells. This was also indicated by an increase in the frequency of lymphocyte-target conjugates.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)217-223
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Immunology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1989
Externally publishedYes


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