Magnetic and Mössbauer studies of Ba(Fe 1-x Ni x ) 2As 2 single crystals

I. Felner*, I. Nowik

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5 Scopus citations


Magnetization and 57Fe Mössbauer effect spectroscopy (MS) studies of Ba(Fe 1-x Ni x ) 2As 2 single crystals (x=0 to 0.054) at temperatures (5 K to 300 K) have been performed. Magnetic measurements show that for BaFe 2As 2 the magnetic moment decreases below T N=136 K. T N is suppressed monotonically by Ni doping. On the other hand, for higher x values the magnetic moment increases below T N. Unexpectedly for x=0.024 (T N=67 K), the virgin zero-field-cooled (ZFC) curve is higher than that of field-cooled (FC) one below 48 K. The magnetic MS spectra of this sample are composed of a superposition of two subspectra, corresponding to commensurate and incommensurate field distributions. The average magnetic hyperfine field H eff decreases with T and becomes zero at 80 K. For higher x values, the samples become superconducting at T C=15.5 and 19 K for x=0.046 and 0.054, respectively. For both samples below T C, the FC curves are positive (the paramagnetic Meissner effect) up to applied field of H∼15 Oe and the susceptibility is inversely proportional to H. The MS spectra below and above T C are almost identical, indicating that the MS parameters are not sensitive enough to detect the superconducting state. The peculiar phenomena observed are attributed to disorder induced by the presence of Ni atoms in the Fe sublattice.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1363-1369
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
Issue number4
StatePublished - May 2011


  • Paramagnetic Meissner effect
  • Spin wave density
  • Superconductivity


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