Magnetic and structural relationship of RFe2Si2 and R(Fe1-xMx)2Si2(x = 0-1) systems (R = La, y and Lu, M = Ni, Mn and Cu)

I. Felner*, Bing Lv, C. W. Chu

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6 Scopus citations


Due to the similarity between AFe2As2 (A = Ba, Sr) and RFe2Si2 (R = La, Y and Lu), the RFe2Si2 system has been proposed as a potential candidate for a new high TC superconducting family containing Fe-Si (instead of Fe-As) layers as a structural unit. Various R (Fe1-xMx)2 Si2 (M = Ni and Cu) materials were synthesized and measured for their magnetic properties. None of these materials is superconducting down to 1.8 K. A pronounced peak at 232 K was observed in the magnetization curve of YFe2Si2. 57Fe Mössbauer studies confirm the absence of any long-range magnetic ordering below 232 K. Similar peaks at various temperatures also appear in R (Fe1-xMx)2 Si2 samples. For Y (Fe1-xMnx)2 Si2 the peak position is dramatically affected by the magnetic Mn dopants. Four independent factors affect the peak position and shift it to lower temperatures: (i) the lattice parameters, (ii) the concentration of x (iii) the applied magnetic field and (iv) the magnetic nature of M. It is proposed that the magnetic peaks observed in RFe2Si2 and in R (Fe1-xMx)2 Si2 represent a new nearly ferromagnetic Fermi liquid system, its nature is yet to be determined.

Original languageEnglish
Article number476002
JournalJournal of Physics Condensed Matter
Issue number47
StatePublished - 26 Nov 2014

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.


  • magnetic properties
  • nearly ferromagnetic Fermi liquid
  • rare-earth silicides
  • superconductivity


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