Magnetic order induced by hydrogen in YBa2Cu4O8

I. Felner*, U. Asaf, I. Nowik, E. R. Bauminger, L. Frenkel Ben Yakar, S. D. Goren, C. Korn

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Magnetic susceptibility, Mossbauer spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction measurements were performed to study the superconducting (SC) and magnetic properties of hydrogen changed bulk YBa2(Cu0.99Fe0.01)4O8Hy. For y<1 the c lattice parameter decreases with y. Tc=59 K is unaffected by hydrogen charging, but the shielding fraction (SF) is reduced sharply from 38% (at y=0) to 17% and 3% for y=1 and 1.85, respectively. The Mosssbauer spectra (MS) for hydrogen charged samples contain a magnetic pattern composed of two sextets, between 4.1 K and TN=360 K. The relative amount of the magnetic pattern depends on hydrogen concentration. The MS obtained for y=1 is a superposition of spectra obtained for y=0 and those for y=2, showing a phase separation into magnetic and superconducting regions in YBa2Cu4O8Hy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1603-1604
Number of pages2
JournalPhysica C: Superconductivity and its Applications
Issue numberPART 3
StatePublished - Dec 1994


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