Magnetism and superconductivity in R1.5Ce0.5MSr2Cu2O 10-δ (M = Ru and Fe) compounds

I. Felner*

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5 Scopus citations


It is shown here, that the superconducting (SC) R1.5Ce0.5RuSr2Cu2O 10-δ (RCeRuSCO, R = Eu and Gd) materials (Tc ∼ 32 and 42 K) are also antiferromagnetically (AFM) ordered at TN(RU) ∼ 122 and 180 K, respectively, thus, TN ≫ Tc, a trend which is contrary to that obtained in "magnetic-SC" intermetallic systems. Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS) on 0.5% 57Fe doped samples shows that all Fe ions reside in the Ru site which is magnetically ordered, whereas SC is confined to the CuO2 planes. On the other hand, for Y1.5Ce0.5FeSr2Cu2O9 (YCeFSCO) no SC is found and the Cu-O planes order AFM at TN(Cu) = 31 K. MS studies reveal two in equivalent Fe sites, and that Fe resides predominantly (60%) in the Cu(1) site. In both sites, the Fe does not order magnetically, and the low TN(CU) obtained is due to frustration of the Cu moments by the presence of Fe. TN is sensitive to oxygen concentration and shifts toward 260 K when oxygen is depleted.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)477-484
Number of pages8
JournalHyperfine Interactions
Issue number1-4
StatePublished - 1998


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