Mapped Fourier methods for long-range molecules: Application to perturbations in the Rb2(0u +) photoassociation spectrum

V. Kokoouline*, O. Dulieu, R. Kosloff, F. Masnou-Seeuws

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225 Scopus citations


Numerical calculations of vibrational levels of alkali dimers close to the dissociation limit are developed in the framework of a Fourier Grid Hamiltonian method. The aim is to interpret photoassociation experiments in cold atom samples. In order to avoid the implementation of very large grids we propose a mapping procedure adapted to the asymptotic R-n behavior of the long-range potentials. On a single electronic potential, this allows us to determine vibrational wave functions extending up to 500a0 using a minimal number of grid points. Calculations with two electronic states, A 1Σu + and b 3Πu states, both correlated to the Rb(5s) + Rb(5p) dissociation limit, coupled by fine structure are presented. We predict strong perturbation effects in the Rb2(0u +) spectrum, manifested under the 5s, 5p 2PI/2 dissociation limit by an oscillatory behavior of the rotational constants.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9865-9876
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Chemical Physics
Issue number20
StatePublished - 22 May 1999


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