Mediating the opponent’s news: A study of inter-media citations in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict

Yonatan Gonen*, Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Zohar Kampf

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


By using information sources from the opponent’s side, the media can introduce alternative viewpoints and broaden the discussion on the conflict. One important information source that has received little attention in research is the other side’s media reports. This study explores the practice of inter-media citations by analyzing Israeli and Palestinian news reports published over a span of 10 years. Based on a computerized quantitative analysis of 235,340 media texts, the authors show how the weaker (Palestinian) side relies more heavily on the media of the stronger side (Israel) than vice versa. During escalations or negotiations, the rate of use of inter-media citations is significantly higher than during routine periods. Furthermore, two main characteristics of a media source make it more likely to be cited: political agenda and accessibility. The authors discuss the factors shaping the phenomenon of inter-media citations and the implications of this practice for conflict coverage.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)334-352
Number of pages19
JournalMedia, War and Conflict
Issue number3
StatePublished - Sep 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2020.


  • Israeli–Palestinian conflict
  • automated content analysis
  • comparative analysis
  • conflict news
  • sources


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