Mediterranean diet pyramids: towards the Italian model.

V. del Balzo*, L. Diolordi, A. Pinto, A. M. Giusti, V. Vitiello, C. Cannella, S. Dernini, L. M. Donini, E. M. Berry

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11 Scopus citations


There is a long history to the representation of the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid which may be seen as a form of cultural--culinary evolution as each country applies the foods best suited to its national diet. Different Mediterranean Diet pyramids have been designed for the population of Greece, Spain and Italy, tailored for their different food habits. These refer variously to portion sizes and frequency of consumption--daily, weekly and monthly and are not standardized. The 3rd CIISCAM Conference held in Parma, Italy was devoted to highlight the overall biodiversity and nutritional well being values and the sustainable benefits of the Mediterranean diet, recognised as one of the healthiest dietary pattern, and to reduce the rapid erosion of "lifestyle and food habits. It is necessary, therefore, to refer more to a Mediterranean Lifestyle of which diet is only a part. It should include physical and social activity, recreation and rest. It may be possible to construct a Mediterranean food lifestyle index both to assess such a holistic aspect and to correlate with improved morbidity & mortality.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)443-447
Number of pages5
JournalAnnali di Igiene Medicina Preventiva e di Comunita
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2012


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