Metabolism of [14C]trans‐zeatin and [14C]benzyladenine by letached yellow, green and variegated leaves of Schefflera

J. van Staden*, S. J. Upfold, A. Altman

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


[8‐14C]Benzyladenine (BA) and [8‐14C]trans‐zeatin (tZ) were fed through the petiole to mature, detached green, yellow and variegated leaves of Schefflera arboricola. Recovery of radioactivity from the plant material ranged between 4.2 and 22.1%. More radioactivity was recovered when tZ was applied compared to BA. Green leaves or the green parts of variegated leaves yielded more radioactivity than the yellow leaf material. BA was metabolized much faster than the endogenous cytokinin tZ. It would appear that while lower amounts of radioactivity were present in yellow leaves, as well as in yellow parts of variegated leaves, the rate of cytokinin metabolism was nevertheless faster. Metabolites that were formed to a greater extent in these yellow parts were the nucleotides of both cytokinins. Currently it is not known whether or not cytokinins influence chlorophyll and other pigment development in chimeric variegated leaves.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)73-78
Number of pages6
JournalPhysiologia Plantarum
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1994


  • Benzyladenine
  • chimera
  • cytokinin metabolism
  • Schefflera arboricola
  • variegated leaves
  • zeatin


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