A method and a system for identifying indication for activity in a topic or a sentiment associated to, of an entity in a textual document are provided herein. The method may include the following stages: obtaining a plurality of textual documents describing a plurality of entities; identifying a relationship between entities and verbs at least on a sentence level, based on a semantic analysis of the verbs; determining at least one of: a topic, and a sentiment associated to the verbs identified in textual documents; and using the identified relationship between entities and verbs and a respective determined topic or sentiment associated with the verbs to determine for each of the plurality of entities: a sentiment level associated thereto, and a level of activity at the at least one topic associated thereto.
Original language | American English |
Patent number | US2017039185 |
IPC | G06F 17/ 27 A I |
Priority date | 3/08/16 |
State | Published - 9 Feb 2017 |