Methods for Shearing and Tagging DNA for Chromatin Immunoprecipitation and Sequencing

Bradley Bernstein (Inventor), Alon Goren (Inventor), Chad Nusbaum (Inventor), Oren Ram (Inventor), Assaf Rotem (Inventor), Daniel Tarjan (Inventor), Jeffrey Xing (Inventor), Aviv Regev (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Disclosed are methods for shearing and tagging chromatin DNA. The disclosed methods include contacting chromatin DNA with at least one transposome, that includes a transposase enzyme. The transposon is made up of a first DNA molecule that includes a first transposase recognition site and a second DNA molecule that includes a second transposase recognition site, wherein the transposase integrates the first and second DNA molecules into chromatin DNA. The first and second DNA molecules of the transposon can be disconnected, such that upon integration of the transposon the chromatin bound DNA is sheared and tagged with the first and second DNA molecules, for example to prepare a library of sheared and tagged chromatin DNA fragments.

Original languageAmerican English
Patent numberUS2016208323
IPCG01N 33/ 541 A I
Priority date19/06/14
StatePublished - 21 Jul 2016


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