Modern editions of the Hebrew Bible

Emanuel Tov

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Background The hundreds of different Hebrew scripture editions and thousands of modern translations in various languages are more or less identical, but they differ in many large and small details. Yet, in spite of these differences, all these sources are known as ‘the Bible’. The differences between the Hebrew editions pertain to the following areas: (i) the text base, (ii) exponents of the text presentation and (iii) the overall approach towards the nature and purpose of an edition of Hebrew scripture. In this chapter, we will review the philosophies behind the various text editions. Behind each edition is an editor who has determined its parameters. Usually such editors are mentioned on the title page, but sometimes they act behind the scenes, in which case the edition is known by the name of the printer or place of publication. The differences among Hebrew editions pertain to the following areas: The text base, sometimes involving a combination of manuscripts, and, in one case, different presentations of the same manuscript. Codex Leningrad B19A is presented differently in the following editions: BH (1929-51), BHS (1967-76), Dotan (1976), Dotan (2001) and BHQ (2004-) - BH, BHS, and BHQ will be referred to as ‘the BH series’. These differences pertain to words, letters, vowels, accents and Ketiv/Qere variations. Usually the differences between the editions are negligible regarding scripture content, while they are more significant concerning the presence or absence of Ketiv/Qere variations. Equally important are differences in verse division (and accordingly in their numbering). In the case of critically restored texts (‘eclectic editions’), differences between editions are by definition substantial. In addition to these variations, most editions also introduced a number of mistakes and printing errors, reflecting an additional source of divergence.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe New Cambridge History of the Bible
Subtitle of host publicationFrom the Beginnings to 600
PublisherCambridge University Press
Number of pages22
ISBN (Electronic)9781139033671
ISBN (Print)9780521859387
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2011

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© Cambridge University Press 2013.


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