Modified Compositions of Micelle–Clay and Liposome–Clay Composites for Optimal Removal from Water of Bacteria and Hydrophobic Neutral Chemicals

Ana R. Benitez, Dani Margalit, Marklen Ryskin, Maoz Dor, Uri Shuali, Shlomo Nir*, Tamara Polubesova, Julius Ben-Ari, Jeny Kertsnus-Banchik, Tomas Undabeytia

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4 Scopus citations


The efficiency in water treatment by granulated complexes formed from the clay ben-tonite with (i) micelles of the cations of octadecyltrimethyl-ammonium (ODTMA) or (ii) liposomes of didodecyldimethyl-ammonium (DDAB) was investigated. The bentonite–ODTMA complexes were synthesized in three variations: I. mass ratio of 68/32, which resulted in an excess of positive charge of half of the clay cation exchange capacity and is denoted “ordinary”; II. complexes having higher loads of ODTMA, denoted “enriched”; and III. “neutral”. These variations were designed to opti-mize the efficiency and reduce the costs of water treatment. “Ordinary” and “neutral” complexes of DDAB were also synthesized. The “ordinary” complex of ODTMA was shown to be efficient in the removal of anionic/hydrophobic molecules and bacteria. The “enriched” complexes were more active in removal of bacteria from water by filtration due to the higher release of free ODTMA cations, which causes biostatic/biocidal effects. The corresponding “ordinary” and “neutral” complexes of ODTMA and DDAB yielded the same efficiency in removal from water of the neutral and hydrophobic herbicides, S-metolachlor (i) and alachlor (ii), respectively. Model calculations, which considered sorption/desorption and convection yielded simulations and predictions of filtration results of the herbicides. The neutral complexes are advantageous since their production saves about 1/3 of the amount of ODTMA or DDAB, which constitutes the expensive component in the respective composite.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3044
JournalApplied Sciences (Switzerland)
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Funding: S.N. acknowledges financial support by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Israel and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (Grant No. 3-15707). T.U. acknowledges financial support by the grant P18-RT-5098 from Junta de Andalucia supported by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


  • micelle–clay composite
  • modelling of filtration
  • removal of bacteria
  • removal of hy-drophobic molecules
  • vesicle–clay composite


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