Multi-K̄ hypernuclei

D. Gazda*, E. Friedman, A. Gal, J. Mareš

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26 Scopus citations


Relativistic mean-field calculations of multi-K̄ hypernuclei are performed by adding K- mesons to particle-stable configurations of nucleons, Λ and Ξ hyperons. For a given hypernuclear core, the calculated K̄ separation energy BK̄ saturates with the number of K̄ mesons for more than roughly 10 mesons, with BK̄ bounded from above by 200 MeV. The associated baryonic densities saturate at values 2-3 times nuclear-matter density within a small region where the K̄-meson densities peak, similarly to what was found for multi-K̄ nuclei. The calculations demonstrate that particle-stable multistrange {N,Λ,Ξ} configurations are stable against strong-interaction conversions Λ→NK̄ and Ξ→NK̄ K̄, confirming and strengthening the conclusion that kaon condensation is unlikely to occur in strong-interaction self-bound strange hadronic matter.

Original languageEnglish
Article number035205
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number3
StatePublished - 25 Sep 2009


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