Nanoscale mode selector in silicon waveguide for on chip nanofocusing applications

Boris Desiatov, Llya Goykhman, Uriel Levy*

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20 Scopus citations


We demonstrate a nanoscale mode selector supporting the propagation of the first antisymmetric mode of a silicon waveguide. The mode selector is based on embedding a short section of PhC into the waveguide. On the basis of the difference in k-vector distribution between orthogonal waveguide modes, the PhC can be designed to have a band gap for the fundamental mode, while allowing the transmission of the first antisymmetric mode. The device was tested by directly measuring the modal content before and after the PhC section using a near field scanning optical microscope. Extinction ratio was estimated to be -23 dB. Finally, we provide numerical simulations demonstrating strong coupling of the antisymmetric mode to metallic nanotlps. On the basis of the results, we believe that the mode selector may become an important building block In the realization of on chip nanofocusing devices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3381-3386
Number of pages6
JournalNano Letters
Issue number10
StatePublished - 14 Oct 2009


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