New results on mesonic weak decay of p-shell Λ-hypernuclei

M. Agnello, A. Andronenkov, G. Beer, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, H. C. Bhang, G. Bonomi, E. Botta*, M. Bregant, T. Bressani, S. Bufalino, L. Busso, D. Calvo, P. Camerini, B. Dalena, F. De Mori, G. D'Erasmo, F. L. Fabbri, A. Feliciello, A. FilippiE. M. Fiore, A. Fontana, H. Fujioka, P. Genova, P. Gianotti, N. Grion, O. Hartmann, B. Kang, V. Lenti, V. Lucherini, S. Marcello, T. Maruta, N. Mirfakhrai, P. Montagna, O. Morra, T. Nagae, D. Nakajima, H. Outa, E. Pace, M. Palomba, A. Pantaleo, A. Panzarasa, V. Paticchio, S. Piano, F. Pompili, R. Rui, A. Sanchez Lorente, M. Sekimoto, G. Simonetti, A. Toyoda, R. Wheadon, A. Zenoni, A. Gal

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50 Scopus citations


The FINUDA experiment performed a systematic study of the charged mesonic weak decay channel of p-shell Λ-hypernuclei. Negatively charged pion spectra from mesonic decay were measured with magnetic analysis for the first time for 7ΛLi, 9ΛBe, 11ΛB and 15ΛN. The shape of the π- spectra was interpreted through a comparison with pion distorted wave calculations that take into account the structure of both hypernucleus and daughter nucleus. Branching ratios Γπ- / Γtot were derived from the measured spectra and converted to π- decay rates Γπ- by means of known or extrapolated total decay widths Γtot of p-shell Λ-hypernuclei. Based on these measurements, the spin-parity assignment 1 / 2+ for 7ΛLi and 5 / 2+ for 11ΛB ground-state are confirmed and a spin-parity 3 / 2+ for 15ΛN ground-state is assigned for the first time.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)139-146
Number of pages8
JournalPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 26 Oct 2009


  • Ground-state spin assignment
  • Mesonic decay
  • p-Shell Λ-hypernuclei


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