Nimodipine counteracts corticosterone-induced habituation impairments

Shlomit Dachir, Boaz Robinzon, Ettie Grauer, Aharon Levy*

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9 Scopus citations


Corticosterone or placebo sustained-release pellets (4 pellets of 200 mg each, released over 90 days) were implanted subcutaneously in young Fischer- 344 rats, fed with either regular food or with food containing 860 ppm of nimodipine. Following 2 weeks of treatment, the habituation of the rats to a new environment was studied. On the first test day, placebo-implanted rats explored the new environment and exhibited a characteristic habituation. On the second test day, 48 hr later, low activity was measured in the already familiar environment. This habituation was absent in corticosterone-implanted rats fed with regular food. However, corticosterone-implanted rats fed with food containing nimodipine behaved during the second test similarly to the placebo-implanted group. The data indicated that the behavioral deficit, induced in Fischer-344 rats by the high corticosterone levels, was reversed by the nimodipine treatment. Thus, nimodipine may be useful in counteracting certain prolonged stress-related cognitive impairments.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)241-245
Number of pages5
JournalNeurobiology of Learning and Memory
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Jan 1995


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