Nitrite reduction in Paracoccus sp. is affected by a novel plasmid pYR1

Yoram Barak, Merav Yarmus, Roni Shapira, Jaap Van Rijn*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Two relatively low-copy plasmids of 9 and 16 kb were found to comprise the extrachromosomal DNA of a Paracoccus strain. Reduction of nitrate by plasmid-cured cells resulted in a significant intermediate nitrite accumulation as compared to wild-type cells. By examining nitrate reduction by transformants containing one of the two plasmids, it was found that nitrite accumulation was influenced by the 9.0-kb plasmid, designated as pYR1. Subcloning analysis showed that a 1.8-kb fragment of this plasmid affected nitrite accumulation. Sequence analysis of this fragment revealed the presence of five open reading frames. One of the six deduced proteins showed a strong homology to ABC transporters.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)111-116
Number of pages6
JournalFEMS Microbiology Letters
Issue number1
StatePublished - 19 Feb 2002

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The study was supported by an intramural grant established by the Swiss Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


  • Nitrite reduction
  • Paracoccus
  • Plasmid


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