Noise and hypoxia induced temporary threshold shifts in rats studied by ABR

Joseph Attias*, Haim Sohmer, Shlomit Gold, Idit Haran, Amnon Shahar

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26 Scopus citations


Rats were exposed for 2 h either to 115 dB SPL noise, to 5% oxygen in nitrogen (hypoxia) or to both hypoxia and noise. Auditory nerve-brainstem evoked responses (ABR) to 80 dB HL clicks and threshold were recorded prior to exposure, immediately (5-10 min) after the exposure, 2h after and 2 weeks after the exposure. The findings in each experimental animal were compared to those in the control (non-exposed) group and to those in the other groups. Thresholds were elevated in each of the experimental groups, but these were temporary threshold shifts, since 2 weeks following the exposure, thresholds had returned to normal. Latencies (wave I and the IV-I interpeak latency difference- (IPLD)) were prolonged in the groups exposed to hypoxia (hypoxia alone and hypoxia + noise). These results are discussed in view of possible mechanisms of these noise and hypoxia induced temporary threshold shifts.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)247-252
Number of pages6
JournalHearing Research
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 1990


  • ABR
  • Hearing loss
  • Hypoxia
  • Noise
  • Threshold
  • TTS


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