Nonparametric Survival Analysis with Time-dependent Covariate Effects: A Penalized Partial Likelihood Approach

DM Zucker, AF Karr

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


echniques are developed for nonparametric analysis of data under a Cox-regression-like model permitting time-dependent covariate effects determined by a regression function. β0(t). Estimators resulting from maximization of an appropriate penalized partial likelihood are shown to exist and a computational approach is outlined. Weak uniform consistency (with a rate of convergence) and pointwise asymptotic normality of the estimators are established under regularity conditions. A consistent estimator of a common baseline hazard function is presented and used to construct a consistent estimator of the asymptotic variance of the estimator of the regression function. Extensions to multiple covariates, general relative risk functions and time-dependent covariates are discussed.
Original languageAmerican English
Pages (from-to)329-353
Number of pages25
JournalAnnals of Statistics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 1990


  • Asymptotic normality
  • Cox regression model
  • Penalized maximum likelihood estimation
  • Survival analysis
  • Partial likelihood


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