On the Hardness of Approximating the Chromatic Number.

Sanjeev Khanna, Nathan Linial, Shmuel Safra

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The paper considers the computational hardness of approximating the chromatic number of a graph. The authors first give a simple proof that approximating the chromatic number of a graph to within a constant power (of the value itself) in NP-hard. They then consider the hardness of coloring a 3-colorable graph with as few as possible colors. They show that determining whether a graph is 3-colorable or any legal coloring of it requires at least 5 colors is NP-hard. Therefore, coloring a 3-colorable graph with 4 colors is NP-hard.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2nd Israel Symposium on Theory and Computing Systems
Subtitle of host publicationISTCS 1993
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
Number of pages11
ISBN (Print)0-8186-3630-0
StatePublished - 1993
Event2nd Israel Symposium on Theory and Computing Systems, ISTCS 1993 - Natanya, Israel
Duration: 7 Jun 19939 Jun 1993
Conference number: 2


Conference2nd Israel Symposium on Theory and Computing Systems, ISTCS 1993
Abbreviated titleISTCS 1993
Internet address


  • Computational complexity
  • Computational geometry
  • Graph coloring
  • NP-hard


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