Osseous manifestations of gestational rubella in young human fetuses

E. Sekeles*, A. Ornoy

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8 Scopus citations


Long bones of 30 fetuses were studied roentgenologically and microscopically after interruption of pregnancy because of either clinical (19 cases) or subclinical (11 cases) gestational rubella. Thirty-four other fetuses served as controls. Of the 19 cases of interruption of pregnancy due to evidence of clinical rubella, x-ray changes were found in the metaphyses of the long bones in ten fetuses; specific microscopic injuries were found in 11 fetuses. Of the 11 fetuses from pregnancies interrupted because of close contact and subclinical rubella, x-ray changes were found in two fetuses and specific microscopic changes were found in five fetuses. The microscopic injuries included thinning of the layer of hypertrophic cartilage, disorganization and thinning of metaphyseal trabeculae, and a reduced number of osteoblasts and ostcoclasts. Abundant plasma cells were found in the metaphyses and in or around blood vessels in the cartilaginous epiphyses. Giant cells, occasionally containing cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, were observed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)307-312
Number of pages6
JournalAmerican Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Jun 1975


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