Oviposition habitat selection by Anopheles gambiae in response to chemical cues by Notonecta maculata

Alon Warburg*, Roy Faiman, Alex Shtern, Alon Silberbush, Shai Markman, Joel E. Cohen, Leon Blaustein

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32 Scopus citations


A number of mosquito species avoid predator-inhabited oviposition sites by detecting predator-released kairomones. In the laboratory, we found that when offered de-ionized water and de-ionized water conditioned with Notonecta maculata, gravid Anopheles gambiae females preferentially oviposited into the former. We then conducted further experiments using two chemical components found in Notonecta-conditioned water, chemically pure n-tricosane and/or n-heneicosane, that was previously shown to repel oviposition by Culiseta longiareolata. These hydrocarbons failed to deter oviposition by An. gambiae females. Thus, different mosquito species may rely on distinct chemical cues to avoid predators. Identification and chemical characterization of such kairomones could facilitate innovative, environmentally sound mosquito control.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)421-425
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Vector Ecology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Dec 2011


  • Anopheles gambiae
  • Kairomones
  • Mosquitoes predators
  • Notonectid bugs
  • Oviposition
  • Predation


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