Oxygen isotope variations in phosphate of biogenic apatites, IV. Mammal teeth and bones

Boaz Luz*, Yehoshua Kolodny

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405 Scopus citations


Groups of rats grown from birth to death in identical conditions, but with different δ18O of drinking water (δw), were studied for variations of δ18O of their body water (δBW) and bone phosphate (δp). There is a high linear correlation (r = 0.99) between δBW and between δp and δw. The regression lines have similar slope coefficients (0.53 and 0.49). Values of δp of different teeth and bones are the same, within the precision of the method (±0.5‰). The isotopic fractionation coefficient between phosphate and body water is 1.0178 and close to the estimated value of 1.0173 derived from the phosphate paleotemperature equation. Deviations from constant fractionation between bone phosphate and environmental drinking water depend primarily on rates of drinking and metabolism. Environment conditions have relatively little effect on oxygen isotope fractionation between water sources and bone phosphate.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)29-36
Number of pages8
JournalEarth and Planetary Science Letters
Issue number1
StatePublished - Sep 1985


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