Perspectives of adolescents with disabilities and their parents regarding autonomous decision-making and self-determination

Tamar Taub*, Shirli Werner

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Background: Parents’ promotion of autonomous decision-making (PADM) is essential for adolescents with disabilities and constitutes the basis for maturation of self-determination (SD). SD develops based on adolescents’ capacities and the opportunities offered to them at home and at school, to make personal decisions regarding their life. Aim: Examine the associations between the PADM and SD of adolescents with disabilities from their own perspective and that of their parents. Method: Sixty-nine adolescents with disabilities and one of their parents completed a self-report questionnaire including PADM and SD scales. Outcomes: The findings showed associations between parents’ and adolescents’ reports of PADM, and opportunities for SD at home. PADM was associated with capacities for SD among adolescents. Gender differences were also apparent, with both adolescent girls and their parents reporting higher ratings of SD than adolescent boys. Conclusions: Parents who promote autonomous decision-making among their adolescent children with disabilities start a virtuous circle by offering greater opportunities for SD within the home. In turn, these adolescents rate their SD as higher, and communicate this perspective to their parents. Consequently, their parents offer them more opportunities for autonomous decision-making at home, thus enhancing their SD.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104442
JournalResearch in Developmental Disabilities
StatePublished - May 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023


  • Adolescents with disabilities
  • Capacities
  • Opportunities
  • Parents
  • Promotion of autonomous decision-making (PADM)
  • Self-determination (SD)


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