Police and the Microgeography of Crime: Scientific Evaluations on the Effectiveness of Hot Spots and Places

David L. Weisburd, Cody W. Telep

Research output: Working paper/preprintDiscussion paper


This Technical Note suggests that the focus of policing should be on very small geographic units of analysis, such as street segments or small groups of street blocks. Crime at place is not simply a proxy for larger area or community effects; indeed, basic research evidence suggests that crime primarily occurs at very small geographic units of place. This research is reinforced by strong experimental evidence of the effectiveness of place-based policing in reducing crime and disorder so as not to displace crime to nearby areas. In addition, the perception of legitimacy should be a key component of place-based policing programs.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherInter-American Development Bank
Number of pages28
StatePublished - 2014


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